NOVATO (BCN)–There has been a dramatic decline in youth drinking in Novato, and the City’s Blue Ribbon Coalition for Youth will explain why at a presentation Wednesday afternoon at City Hall.
According to a California Health Kids Survey, Novato experienced a more significant reduction in youth drinking than many other communities, the Coalition’s coordinator Brittany Lobo said.
The survey examines the relationship between students’ health behaviors and academic performance in grades 5,7,9 and 11.
One measurement tracks alcohol use by 11th graders in the past 30 days. The rate for Novato 11th graders was around 54 percent in 2007 but fell from 42 percent to 32 percent between 2011 and 2013, the last survey period for which data were available, Lobo said. Another survey is scheduled this fall.
Some Marin County communities have seen increases and others small decreases that those in Novato, Lobo said.
Based on the California Health Kids Survey, The Community Systems Group, an external evaluation company, will present its analysis why the decrease occurred, Lobo said.
Lobo said successful strategies that have contributed to the decline in alcohol use entail changing the culture and physical and physical environment that foster alcohol abuse.
“It’s hard to pinpoint which strategy works the most,” Lobo said.
In Novato, some shopping areas downtown and by the library where youth congregated to drink or smoke marijuana and was physically demolished, Lobo said.
“Problems significantly decreased,” Lobo said.
The City also started a restorative justice program where youthful offenders appeared before youth courts or peer courts. The program included classes and counselors and parents became involved.
Novato police publicized the names of parents and teens 18 and older who violated the city’s social host ordinance by allowing under age drinking at parties in homes.
Police also conducted shoulder tap operations that target people who buy alcohol for minors or business that sell alcohol to decoys posing as minors.
The Novato City Council passed a resolution asking businesses to voluntarily stop selling flavored alcoholic beverages called alcopops.
“Several businesses took them off the shelves,” Lobo said.
Three teens are scheduled to speak when the Novato Blue Ribbon Coalition for Youth and The Community Systems Group gives their presentations 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall, 901 Sherman St.
Police, school officials, members of the Marin YMCA Youth Court and Novato Youth Center and Councilman Eric Lucan also will attend the event.