(KRON) KRON4’s Robin Winston is reporting BART service through San Francisco from the Peninsula has been restored.
Update: Service restored, trains moving, major residual delays continue. pic.twitter.com/3YNiWUxLWQ— Robin Winston (@RobinWinstonTV) August 12, 2016
Major BART delays from the Peninsula to East Bound stations due to equipment problems.
KRON4’s Robin Winston is reporting that an electrical problem has stopped trains at 24th street in San Francisco.
Plan ahead #BART delays https://t.co/Nn589jfc5M
– Robin Winston (@RobinWinstonTV) August 12, 2016
A detailed BART service advisory has been issued: https://t.co/G8ClxdpM6v
– SFBARTalert (@SFBARTalert) August 12, 2016
Major delay at peninsula and SF stns in SFO, MLBR and East Bay dirs due to equip prob.
– SFBARTalert (@SFBARTalert) August 12, 2016