(KRON) — The recent mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton have been tragic inspiration for a Bay Area startup.

A woman from the tech world has created something she was hoping she didn’t need to — a line of bulletproof clothing. 

Twenty-five-year-old Vy Tran looks like just about any person wearing a hoodie while walking down the street.

But this hoodie is special.

It stops bullets.

“We’re the world’s first product to protect your body and your head from ballistic and knife threats,” Tran said. 

Tran is the creator of “Wonder Hoodies,” a Bay Area startup featuring a line of kevlar clothing.

The idea was inspired through tragedy.

“Two years ago a neighborhood shooting happened in my hometown in Seattle and I wanted to buy something for my mom and brother,” Tran said. “And I couldn’t find anything online really designed for them or at a price point that I could afford so I thought to make my own.”

Tran says she wants people to be prepared instead of being scared.

Rated at 3A, Tran says her products offer the strongest grade of soft body armor protection available and hoodies are just part of the clothing line.

Tran also sells denim style jackets, vests and other accessories. 

The clothing comes in kids sizes too.

“I felt inclined to make this for my family,” she said. 

Tran says bulletproof clothing is becoming increasingly popular because of recent mass shootings like El Paso and Dayton. 

Just last week these bullet-resistant backpacks started popping up on shelves at Officemax and Office Depot stores in Texas. 

Guard Dog Security, the company behind the backpack, says it can stop a bullet from a .44 magnum handgun.

But like Tran’s clothing it won’t stop a high capacity rifle.

“Our products cannot protect you from an AR 15,” she said.

Regardless, Tran says they want people to feel safe and be able to afford body armor if they want it. 

“It’s unfortunate that my products have to exist, but if this is what it takes to feel safe in your own neighborhood then I will keep doing what I’m doing,” Tran said.