OAKLAND (KRON)—The Golden State Warriors and the Oakland A’s are helping to support victims and their families in the deadly Oakland warehouse fire.

The Warriors will have a moment of silence at Saturday night’s game for fire victims.

The proceeds from the Warriors Community Foundation 50/50 Raffle will go towards family assistance services for the fire.

Raffle kiosks will be in sections 125 and 219.

The basketball team plans to donate $50,000 to support the families affected by the tragedy. The donation will go to the Unity Council in the Fruitvale District of Oakland.

The non-profit organization is dedicated to helping low-income families and improving quality of life in that community.

“When a tragedy of this magnitude hits this close to home, we feel it’s imperative to do our small part to help our community and those impacted,” said Rick Welts, Warriors President and COO.

The Oakland A’s and the Oakland Raiders will also be matching donations for up to $50,000 to help those affected.

The Raiders will also observe a moment of silence at its game against the Buffalo Bills on Sunday.

If you would like to donate, you can visit https://www.youcaring.com/oaklandfirevictimsfrom130531staveinoakland-706680#mlb-oakland
