(CNN/KRON) — A cruel prank was played on a family in Washington State–a couple was told by text message that their daughter had been shot and killed.

It happened as Steve Stuart was driving.

His wife began frantically texting everyone to find out if their daughter was safe.

The message that said the daughter had been hit in a shooting and died had apparently come from a friend.

Stuart contacted local hospitals and police, but they knew nothing.

It turns out that the friend had a new phone number, and the person who had the old number decided on the hateful prank.”

“I then went back up towards the high school to see if I could get some more information, and as I glanced over to the football field, I saw her.”

The Stuarts have contacted the sheriff, but since being malicious is not against the law, nothing can be done.

Stuart is sharing his story because he wants people to be aware of just how dangerous cold-hearted people can be.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: