DURANGO, Colo. (KRQE) – “Family Feud” is coming to Durango, but it’s not what people would expect. The police department has created a game show of its own to try to catch wanted criminals.

“Fugitive Feud” is the Durango Police Department’s take on the popular game show, now on Facebook. Instead of answering questions for points, you’re helping police identify that week’s wanted fugitives.

“I have a really weird imagination I guess. I want to do something a little more creative to reach a broader audience and try to get some of these fugitives we’ve been looking for apprehended,” Durango Police Officer Cindi Taylor said.

This week, police are playing and need your help finding several identity theft suspects. The names of the week’s top suspects are on the board, followed by a card listing their identifying information.

The police commander says the public’s involvement is crucial in closing these cases.

“We can’t be everywhere at once so it’s certainly helpful when the community’s out there, they see these folks, and they can help us apprehend them and bring them back to the court,” Commander Ray Shupe said.

It’s a game that he hopes ultimately leads to arrests, which means in “Fugitive Feud” every player wins.

People who submit a tip to police or Crime Stoppers that leads to an arrest can get a cash reward.

The department started the game show and hopes to post a new episode every week.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: