A mother lost her young son at the Sandy Hook school massacre six years ago, and now, she is in the Bay Area combating gun violence.

She says her grief is forcing her to take on a new, positive purpose. 

Students in Livermore schools of all grade levels will now be taught Scarlett Lewis’s emotional curriculum.

At the Bankhead Theater in Livermore, a presentation was held.

On Thursday, she shares her story of survival and journey in spreading more love out of tragedy.

Scarlett Lewis knows the heartache of a mass shooting. She lost her 6-year-old son Jesse at the Sandy Hook school massacre six years ago

Scarlett is combating gun violence across the country with the Choose Love Enrichment Program, a social-emotional curriculum she’s bringing to all Livermore schools.

It was inspired by three words her son Jesse wrote on a chalkboard shortly before he died–nurturing, healing, and love.

And it’s not just a school-wide program. Livermore school officials say it’s including the whole community.

Parents and teachers who attended Thursday’s presentation agree.

Scarlett is determined to spread Jesse’s message of love.

Choose Love has been downloaded in all 50 states and over 55 countries.