URBANDALE, Iowa (CNN) – If you hate working out to shed weight, hopefully, this will inspire you!

A fat feline from Iowa is stepping off the pounds on an underwater treadmill — and we all know how cats feel about water!

Meet George and check out his new workout routine. George is blessed with beautiful hair, beautiful eyes, and a big distinction.

“It’s quite interesting. Yeah,” said Aimee Good, George’s owner.

Aimee Good owns five other decent sized cats, but when this Himalayan got to the weigh-in, it was clear the cat needed to work on its fitness. 

“Well, he’s by far and away the biggest,” said Good. “He started at 17-and-a-half pounds. He just likes to eat. He’s a sneaky guy. He sneaks into the food.”

Aimee doesn’t want her 12-year-old cat developing diabetes.

So, she brought George to Urban Pet Hospital.

He receives laser treatments to loosen him up before his big workout.

“Yeah. They’re just so small and compact,” explained Abigail Feng, Urban Pet Hospital. “Even one pound weight loss is a huge deal for them.”

George is shooting for five pounds, almost a third of his body weight.

“I mean, you can’t really take a cat out and take it for a walk. So… haha,” laughed Good.

And so, when the doctor suggested getting the feline on an underwater fitness routine, you can imagine people’s reactions to George’s personal trainer. 

“I was a little unsure how he would do,” said Aimee. “I mean, we all just kind of said let’s give it a shot. They think it’s a joke. Haha.”

But clearly, it’s not.

“He’s doin’ a good job,” said Aimee. “As well as you can expect for a cat on a treadmill.”

George is up to six minutes, three times a week, and doctors say in five or six months, George will shed those five pounds like he sheds hair.

“I was really hoping this would work for him, and it seems to really be going well,” said Good.