A Chicago train station has been busy with more than just riders on its platforms.

Welcome to spider web central, or the Damen Brown line stop.

“Maybe it adds a little Halloween atmosphere.” one rider said.

But these are not Halloween decorations.

They’re the real thing.

“As you look, that’s all you see is the spider webs,” another rider said.

And where the webs are, you know there’re spiders.

“They are huge spiders too that can actually bite you!” yet another rider said.

We took this to the bug guy.

“Yes, they are everywhere,” exterminator Kevin Connelly said. “This year, it happens to be showing up on platforms.”

Connelly says they’ve left the lakefront where there was plenty of food, and now, they’re moving around to find more.

People are grossed out, and they’re posting about it.

“They’re kind of a creepy guy, you know,” Connelly said. “They eat other things.”

And they fall on other things–and CTA riders too.

“Between the vibration of the train and the wind created out of the trains, they get knocked out of those perches up high,” Connelly said. “They come down and they swing like a pendulum.”

They dangle right in front of people waiting for the train.

“Right in your eye. Like, there it is!” Connelly said. “And that’s a little frightening.”

A CTA spokesperson says crews inspect and clean the stations.

That includes removing spiders and webs.

But it seems they’ve missed quite a few here.

“Maybe the CTA goes along with a guy with a broom and sweeps away the webs,” Connelly said.