OAKLAND, Calif. (KRON) – New video you’ll only see on KRON4 – A group of thieves were caught on surveillance cameras breaking into an Oakland dispensary early Wednesday morning.

Footage shows burglars using an SUV to break down the front doors of Ivy Hill Cannabis on Park Boulevard.

The general manager says the burglary cost them up to $75,000 in damage and stolen inventory.

“We need something because we’re being targeted and we’re recouping nothing and I don’t know how much longer we can operate like this,” Hilary O’Brien said.

Ivy Hill Cannabis, located in Oakland’s old Parkway Theater, is the latest dispensary to be targeted by thieves. 

Surveillance cameras captured the burglars ramming a Lexus SUV into the dispensary and the general manager, Hilary O’Brien, says she woke up to an alert on her phone notifying her that the shop was being broken into.

“4 a.m., three cars pull up, about nine guys and one car is a lookout, one car is the getaway car and they had a plan. These guys have been trying to hit us for months, the same guys we recognize them and they knew exactly what they were doing this time,” O’Brien said.

Exclusive video inside the dispensary reveals what the burglars did next. You can see them rummaging through the store, combing shelves for inventory and trying to pry open locked doors.

O’Brien says they stole hands fulls of flower and vape pods but she says the hardest hit for the shop is the damage to the front of the store. 

Altogether, she says the burglary will cost Ivy Hill up to $75,000 and this isn’t the first time they’ve been hit.

“We have a vertically integrated facility in Oakland where we do manufacturing, cultivation and distribution. It’s about two miles from where I am now and we were hit blindly there less than two months ago so our two Oakland spots both robbed blind in less than two months. That’s not bad luck, that is something broken in Oakland,” O’Brien said.

O’Brien’s dispensary is only one of many in the town hit within the last few months. 

She says other shop owners are also concerned about the increase in targeted break-ins and a lack of support from the city.