Which digestive remedy for cats is best?
If your cat frequently regurgitates their dinner right after eating or occasionally suffers from diarrhea, you might need to buy them a digestive remedy for cats. Nusentia Enzyme Miracle is best for daily use, but it can also provide some emergency relief for your cat.
What to know before you buy a digestive remedy for cats
Listen to your cat
Allow your cat to tell you what they need when they’re suffering from an upset stomach or other digestive issues. Some cats will want to continue eating, while others will stop eating entirely. Watch out for signs that they need to see the vet, such as dehydration, weakness and other serious symptoms.
Give your cat plenty of water to keep them hydrated at all times. This is highly important since diarrhea can cause your cat to lose additional fluids.
Take a look at your cat’s diet. Have you recently introduced something new to the diet that might not agree with them? If there’s nothing new in the diet, switch them to a bland diet with boiled chicken, fresh meat and maybe some rice or a therapeutic cat food developed for digestive issues for three to five days.
After this period of switching the diet, gradually introduce an increasing amount of your cat’s regular diet over three to five days until they are fully back to their standard diet. If their stomach troubles return, you might need to permanently put them back on a therapeutic pet food diet.
What to look for in a quality digestive remedy for cats
Digestive remedies for cats come in different formulas, including pills and powders. Powders are typically easier to feed to your cat.
Some cat owners prefer to feed their cats an all-natural diet, including their digestive remedies. If this is the case, make sure the remedy you choose is 100% natural.
Most digestive remedies have enough powder or pills for one month. You can purchase a larger amount if needed or a smaller container for on the go.
How much you can expect to spend on a digestive remedy for cats
Digestive remedies for cats range in price from about $5-$40 per container, depending on the quantity, formula, ingredients and features of the remedy.
Digestive remedy for cats FAQ
What are the most common causes of acute digestive issues in cats?
A. There are several common causes of acute digestive problems in cats, including dietary indiscretion, parasites, viruses, bacteria and hairballs.
- Dietary indiscretion: The most common cause of sudden, acute stomach issues is that your cat ate something they shouldn’t have eaten, such as a plant or leftover food. In this case, your cat will likely experience vomiting or diarrhea.
- Parasites: Intestinal parasites can also cause acute digestive problems, including diarrhea and vomiting. Parasites are usually transmitted when cats eat other infected prey, such as rodents. Giardia is a common parasite that cats commonly pick up from the feces of other cats when they’re burying their feces in the same litter tray.
- Viruses: Various strains of virus can lead to digestive issues in cats. Some of these viruses, such as feline enteritis, can be life-threatening and are highly contagious.
- Bacteria: Bacteria can be ingested through contaminated water or food or transmitted from other animals.
- Hairballs: All cats sometimes suffer from hairballs, which happen while your cat is grooming themselves and accidentally swallow their own hair.
What are the most common causes of chronic digestive disorders in cats?
A. The most common causes of chronic digestive disorders in cats include food allergies, inflammatory bowel disease and hemorrhagic gastritis.
- Food allergies: Food allergies are very common in cats since there are new additions to modern diets. If you think your cat might have food allergies, try feeding them a simple diet with natural meat and stick to just one protein source, either fish or chicken, until you see an improvement.
- Inflammatory bowel disease: With IBD, your cat suffers from a chronically inflamed gut wall, and normal tissue is replaced by fibrous or scar-like tissue.
- Hemorrhagic gastritis: This condition is caused by infectious agents, such as parasites, fungi, viruses or bacteria or due to a bad reaction to specific medications. It causes bloody diarrhea and vomiting.
What’s the best digestive remedy for cats to buy?
Top digestive remedy for cats
What you need to know: This maintenance formula is best for daily use, but it can also provide some emergency relief for your cat.
What you’ll love: This product is safe, natural and made in the United States with 11 kinds of digestive enzymes that help your cat throughout all stages of life. The digestive enzyme formula also includes the anti-inflammatory bromelain and quickly supports metabolic functions and treats digestive stress.
What you should consider: This product works best when combined with probiotics.
Where to buy: Sold by Amazon
Top digestive remedy for cats for the money
What you need to know: This inexpensive, comprehensive digestive supplement is simple to use and provides several benefits.
What you’ll love: This product decreases allergic reactions of the nose, eyes and skin, supports the immune system, helps them maintain energy levels and offers relief from digestive issues, including irritable bowels, constipation and diarrhea. The blend of enzymes includes papain, bromelain, cellulase, amylase and protease.
What you should consider: This digestive remedy product must be refrigerated.
Where to buy: Sold by Amazon
Worth checking out
Vet’s Best Hairball Relief Digestive Aid
What you need to know: The chicken flavor of this cat digestive aid makes it simple to give to even the pickiest of cats.
What you’ll love: This product is formulated by veterinarians and features a blend of plant-based ingredients, including slippery elm, marshmallow root, papaya extract and apple fiber. The digestive aid is also NASC-approved and offers support to prevent hairballs and for healthy digestion. You can either give the chews as treats or mix them in with your pet’s dinner.
What you should consider: This digestive aid doesn’t have an enticing scent to attract your cat.
Where to buy: Sold by Amazon
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Alex Kilpatrick writes for BestReviews. BestReviews has helped millions of consumers simplify their purchasing decisions, saving them time and money.
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